Warm-up: pick 2 mobility exercises given at assessment then add: Foam roll of the lats and pecs x 1 min each x 3 Plank Shoulder Taps 20 reps
Incline DB Bench Press 5 sets @3010 tempo 6-8 reps
60 degree incline press 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Right into: Seated Rear Delt Row 3 sets 12-15
Wide Grip Lat-Pull Down 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Right into: Supinated Banded Row(medium band) 3 sets of 12-15
Standing Rope Tricep Extension
3sets of 12-12 reps at 2011 tempo
Warm-up: pick 2 mobility exercises given at assessment then add: Foam roll of the lats and pecs x 1 min each x 3
Anterior Chain Strengthening:
Flat Bench Press 5reps warm-up x 3, then 8 reps x 4
Rest 1 min in between
Standing shoulder front raise x 8 x 4 sets
Seated bent over rear delt fly's x 8 x 4
Standing lateral raises x 8 x 4
Workout: 250m row Then: 5 Modified Pull-ups, 10 Burpees, and 15 Jump ups to step down 30-sec rest
Repeat x 6 rounds for time 2
Warm-up: pick 2 mobility exercises given at assessment then add: Foam roll of the lats and pecs x 1 min each x 3
Flat Bench Press 5reps warm-up x 3, then 8 reps x 4
Rest 1 min in between
Standing shoulder front raise x 8 x 4 sets
Seated bent over rear delt flys x 8 x 4
Standing lateral raises x 8 x 4
Workout: 250m row Then: 5 Modified Pull-ups, 10 Burpees, and 15 Jump ups to step down 30-sec rest
Repeat x 6 rounds for time