Group 3 (Basic Full Body Workout) Take your time to perform the following:
Warm UP:
5 mins easy walk 5 min jog x 2 sets
3 sets of:
Clams x 10 per side
coppenhangen modified plank 10 sec per side
Bird Dogs x 20
Plank hold x 20 sec
For 30 mins. perform as many rounds as possible:
Step ups x 20 total holding dumbells of any weight
Push Ups x 10
Standing Bicep Curls x 12
Triceps Skull Crushers x 12
Bent Over DB rows x 8 per side
Hamstring Curls with band x 20
Group 2 Chipper
Warm-up: 3 sets of (take about 10 mins)
Wrist mobility: all fours rocking back and forth x 10
Bird Dog x 12 total
Banded Clams x 10 per side
Plank toe touches x 10 total
Occupational Task-Specific Training:
Landmine Bent Over Row x 10 per side (keep elbows close to your side)
Standing Bosu Wood Choppers x 10 per side
Pallof Presses x 20 per side
Muscular Endurance Circuit Training about 15 mins
In 15 mins AMRAP
5 Burpees
Step Ups or Jump ups x 10
Push Ups x 15
Wall Balls x 10
Bear Crawl Stance Hold with Sandbag pass through x 15reps
5 Pull Ups of any level
Finisher 100 situps for time
Group 1
Same as Group 2 However we are going to work on
Hang Cleans-
Before the Circuit take about 10 mins to work on 65-75% Clean form. Not looking for 1RM. Looking to maintain Core and Strength
8 reps at 50%
6 Reps at 60%
5reps at 65%
4 Reps at 70%
3 Reps at 75%