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JAN 2023 Workouts

Level 1:

Warm up: Jog lightly for 10 minutes

Then: 3 sets of- 10 cat/cows, 10 pushups and 10 airsquats

Then: Row a 1k for time

After a 3 minute rest-farmer carry for time 1/4 mile with a 53lb dumbell.

Level 2:

Warm up: Jog lightly for 10 minutes

Then: 3 sets of- 10 cat/cows, 10 pushups and 10 airsquats

Goal is to farmer carry 1 dumb bell for 1/4 of mile-goal weight is 53lbs

Level 3:

Warm up: 5 min easy walk

3 sets of: 10 cat/cow, 10 pushups, and 10 air squats

Using 1 dumbbell, weight your choice, walk 1/4 a mile with the weight in any hand, switch as needed.

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