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10/24-10/30/2022 Lower Body and Core

Group 1

Warm up: easy 10 min jog then 3 sets of:

10 Bird dogs

Single leg RDL's x 8 per leg

Foam roll quads, IT areas, Glutes, and calves for 1 min each

Front Squats (Focus on bracing and breathing)

warm up front squats x 3 x 10 just the bar

8 reps at 65%

6reps at 75%

5 reps at 80%

4 reps at 85%

then 3 sets of:

Nordic curls x 8

Goblet squats x 8

Eccentric step-up focus x 8 per side

Heavy carries x 100ft


90/90 Copenhagen 15 sec each side x 3

Arrested supermans x 10 x 3

V-ups x 10 x 3

Group 2

Warm up: easy 10 min jog then 3 sets of:

10 hamstring ball rolls

10 air squats

10 Bird dogs

Foam roll quads, IT areas, Glutes, and calves for 1 min each

3 sets of

Single leg RDL's x 8 per leg

Step ups (where the knee is just below 90 degrees) x 20 total

90/90 Copenhagen 15 sec each side x 3

Rest 2 min


15-12-9 Sandbag Bear Complex

upfrontGroup 3

Warm up: easy 6 min jog or walk then 3 sets of:

10 hamstring ball rolls

10 air squats

10 Bird dogs

Foam roll quads, IT areas, Glutes, and calves for 1 min each

4 rounds of

Step ups x 10 total

Standing on one leg perform 10 bicep curls x 8 on one leg and 8 on the other

rest in between rounds 1 min

3 rounds of:

Step mill for 2 minutes moderate pace

Supine hamstring walkouts x 10 total

Wall Sits x 30 sec

rest 1 min in between

Then finish with:

5 min easy jog or 10min walk

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